Weapons Airdrop, Crafting Thoughts, and Other Topics in DripLand on the Internet Computer
We say it all the time, you gotta be Dripped to get Dropped. We’re getting close, fam. Wheels are in motion. Illustrations are actually done. It’s mostly just logistics now.
For several weeks now, a young artist in Chile has been illustrating a set of 11 weapons for Dripland. In this post, I hope to explain the thought process behind this drop, and hopefully give some insight into where we are all heading.
First, the illustrations are done and the full collection will be shared soon. We have 11 basic weapons and 11 matching illustrations. Here’s one of the more rare items for your viewing pleasure.

The original plan was to create just 11 weapon names and 11 matching drawings, and thendrop them based on ownership of IC Drips.
But variety is the spice of life, right? We wanted to vary the names to make it more interesting.
So, we’re using the same method as the original IC Drips. The OG Drips had 281 base items and many name variations. Ultimately resulting in 64,008 total Drip items (obviously with lots of duplication).
We will have 11 base weapons, with many name variations, and duplication of most name variations. Here are the 11 weapons along with their classifications (which is also a new addition).
Troll’s Club (Blunt)
Heart’s Dagger (Stealth)
Bandit’s Slingshot (Close Range)
Unbreakable Spear (Infantry)
Elvish Longbow (Long Range)
Dwarve’s Battle Axe (Berserker)
Great Sword (Warrior)
Wizard’s Staff (Magical)
Imbued Claymore (Protectorate)
Shogun’s Katana (Warlord)
Dragon’s Claw (Imperial)
Here’s what we’re proposing around these weapons:
Quantity of Drip Weapons
We are aiming for 8106 weapons minted. One weapon will be minted for each IC Drip in existence. As you know, there are 8001 total IC Drips, but we are creating 105 of the rarest weapons to be provided to the artists and contributors helping with Dripland. Some allocation of these ultrarare weapons will also be given to the community and used for contests as well.
It’s also important to note that we plan to mint both Weapon Names and Weapon Art, so that’s 8106 of both the names and art.
Naming and categorization
As noted above, there will be 11 weapon categories. Eventually, more weapons will be added to Dripland. For example, the community may want to add weapons of different eras, such as a Sniper Rifle or a Gravity Mine. By using the same weapons categories across eras, we can create an evolutionary path of weapons within each category, thus enabling players to “craft” an upgrade. More on this further down.
As for names, initially, we plan to stick to the naming conventions used for the OG IC Drips. Some Drip items have a prefix (like “Aged”), prefix name (like “8 bit”), suffix name (like “Kawaii), and/or an emoji (like “🔥”).
It could be argued that new names would be more relevant for weapons, like the “Ungodly Great Sword of Doom” might be a badass name for a sword. However, by introducing new nomenclature, we end up losing the ability to add that Great Sword to an existing set. For example, if you have an 8-bit Great Sword, that could become part of the 8-bit set, thus creating more collectability.
In the future, we could certain introduce new prefixes and suffixes specifically for weapons and armor, but for this drop, it seemed overzealous to attempt. That said, read on for a suggestion how we could bring in those new names at a later date.
Future Weapons
It would be reasonable to want to expand the overall armory inventory of Dripland, introduce armory-specific prefixes and suffixes, and create new Battle Sets. This could, however, have a drastic impact on the overall Drip item inventory, so I would propose that this happen in a very deliberate and phased approach.
We all want to avoid over saturation of Drip NFTs. Let’s say that in the future the community wants to introduce Battle Sets with armory-specific prefixes and suffixes. One suggestion would be to have an exchange where an old name is turned in, burned, and replaced with a new name. At least it creates a 1:1 exchange rather than an increase in supply. It does not need to be a mandatory switch. In fact, having some of the OG Drip Weapon names might be highly desirable if the majority is getting swapped and burned.
Perhaps the overall quantity of the exchanged names would be limited. The exchange could be done as an air drop, or perhaps the community votes to make it a whitelist or even a FCFS buy-in up to the limited exchange quantity per weapon class. If it were a buy-in, I would imagine that would be most helpful to…
a) Help fund the Dripland Foundation and
b) Compensate any creators whose work is being burned for the sake of the game’s evolution and progress. Of course, creators whose work is being burned could also be involved in creating the new NFTs that will replace the old.
In any case, I highlight this to illustrate that there should be flexibility.
Naming conventions aside, what if Dripland wants a new set of Futuristic Era weapons? This is where crafting may into play.
Firstly, it should be noted that crafting could be used within a category to upgrade art. For example, if you own a “Hot Pink Wizard’s Staff (Kawaii)”, but your art is just a normal Wizard’s Staff, then you would need to craft your new art, which might involve a few different things (more below). That is the basic premise. The word NFTs wouldn’t be upgradeable as the names are typically airdropped or traded in marketplaces.
Let’s say you want to upgrade your Longbow into a Sniper Rifle. This is where the categorization becomes critical. Since both are Long Range weapons, you may upgrade your Longbow to a point that you are then able to evolve into the next era, which for example, might then upgrade your Longbow to a Sniper Rifle. Crafting and evolving items would have certain requirements, like using crafting ingredients and tokens, along with NFTs. It’s also entirely possible that one could shortcut the evolution by spending more, but this would be a community decision.
Marketplace Thoughts
Clearly, crafting and burning NFTs becomes extremely important to Dripland. As more item-specific art is created, players might be able to craft the new art through some combination of:
1) Listing the old NFT for sale on the Drip.Land marketplace
2) Burning crafting ingredients (which may be earned or purchased), and
3) Paying in-game tokens (also earned or bought)
When upgrading NFTs, we need to control what happens to the old NFT. It needs to be in circulation, or it needs to be burned. There is likely a balance that we will need to understand.
Here’s one thought about how to handle an NFT upgrade.
Let’s say that as part of your weapons art upgrade, you must list the old NFT (which is part of the crafting recipe) for sale, and you give up control over the listing. Perhaps in this scenario, the NFT is listed in a dutch auction that starts high and periodically reduces in price down to a predetermined floor. In exchange for this listing, you receive your new item and a portion of the sales, when it occurs.
The foundation should most likely never take ownership of a drip that a player is listing. Instead, the foundation essentially enters an agreement with the player that proceeds from the sale will be donated to the foundation, and that the foundation will manage the listing for the player.
The player would receive proceeds as well, and would receive the new NFT for allowing the foundation to manage the listing. This is all conceptual, and open for the community to discuss.
Other complexities could certainly unfold, like what if Drip NFTs are trading on other marketplaces? So, take this idea with a grain of salt and discuss it in our forums with your fellow Driplanders.
Another approach could be to craft the upgrade by completely burning the old NFT, along with crafting ingredients. In this case, perhaps there are limited burn slots available per item.
Again, hoping that these topics are discussed in the Dripland forums.
Utility of Weapons
Weapons are useful. Activities across Dripland will incorporate weapons. Specific activities, where those activities should happen, and with what other Drip gear needs to be defined. Raise your hand and let us know if you want to help define those activities.
Initially, Dripland imagines itself starting as largely a text-based game that evolves into a 2D and eventually a 3D world. To start, activities would be completed by simply equipping characters with certain NFT gear (and Drip Tunes), and then staking that character in a certain location of Dripland.
These activities are limitless — save the kingdom, walk the dog, steal from the rich, shoot an apple off Johnny’s head, be a pirate, fall in love, whatever we can imagine…
If you’re interested, thinking of activities in Dripland is quite simple. Message the mods/admins in our Discord if you want to help.
1. Define the activity
2. Choose the required gear
3. Choose the required weapon
4. Choose if a Drip Tune is required
5. Choose whether other gear or a Drip Tune provides a bonus
6. Set the location where the activity must happen
The step after that is determining the reward, which is a bit trickier. So perhaps we leave that for another day to discuss 😊.
Now, let’s shift gears and talk about what else we’re up to.
🎶👀 Coming Soon… Drip Tune NFTs! 👀🎶
Will our Dripland Drip Tunes be the first music NFTs on the IC? We really hope so!
Drip Tunes is a project designed to introduce music into Dripland activities, and to raise money for Dripland development!
The Drip Tunes are generally around 30 seconds long, all created by hand. The musicians (fellow Driplanders) recorded riffs on guitars, mandolins, and of course keyboard. They created drum beats, conceptualized and wrote music across genres from metal to reggae, dubstep, and even ragtime! It’s been a labor of love and they’re coming in on the home stretch.
We are aiming for 60 Tunes (maybe more). Most will be specifically useful for holders of certain Drip Musical Items (TBA soon). Some tunes are made for everyone, and others are made specifically for Dripland partner projects like the Infernal Vampire Colony and Internet Astronauts (and more to come).
I’ll share a full write-up soon, but I promise, these Drip Tunes will be extremely useful in Dripland. Stay tuned. No pun intended.
Weapon Airdrop Q’s
You gotta be Dripped to get dropped. Ya heard?!
Who will get what?
We’re looking at 1 weapon name and 1 weapon art per IC Drip. If that changes for any reason, we’ll let you know. Ideally, we will drop the names first, then the art. And we hope to coincide this with some development progress on Dripland for maximum splash.
Will the Dripland team horde all the rare stuff?
Nope. We will take some for sure (cuz we’re all volunteers here), but there will be a few Dragon’s Claws and Shogun’s Katanas out in the wild😉. Bet.
Will the drop involve DSCVR, Stoic, and Plug?
Yup, pretty much has to, right?
Will it matter if my IC Drip is listed for sale?
Possibly, but we will provide clarity on this matter prior to any airdrop.
Are you dropping for free?
Yup, that’s the plan.
Drip Tunes, on the other hand, will be a major fundraiser for Dripland!
How can I help the project?
Volunteer to help in whatever way you can — design, fan art, memes, stickers, organization, social connections, community mgmt., and most importantly development!
WAGMI together, fam. Dripland is a social experiment as much as it is a gamefi or NFT project. Help and be helped. Create, enjoy, and thrive together.
Much love.