An Interview w/ Rick Porter on Dripland, DSCVR, and other thingsRick Porter is the founder of DSCVR, the OG dropper of IC Drips, and an all-around awesome dude. Over the last couple of months, I’ve had…Feb 1, 20221Feb 1, 20221
A Brief History and Future of IC Drip NFTsIC Drips are an open source NFT project launched by Rick Porter of DSCVR back in September of 2021. The ethos of IC Drip is to inspire…Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
Weapons Airdrop, Crafting Thoughts, and Other Topics in DripLand on the Internet ComputerWe say it all the time, you gotta be Dripped to get Dropped. We’re getting close, fam. Wheels are in motion. Illustrations are actually…Nov 2, 2021Nov 2, 2021